Keep the chain of love ministries  is a christian Based Organization (CBO) dedicated to serve God through preaching the gospel, supporting  Youths, Children and Old people as a whole, implementing Development, Humanitarian and Social Economic Projects. Addressing major problems facing young and old people e.g. HIV/AIDS, Poverty, Armed Conflicts, Drugs and Low levels of education. It was started in 2016 by Lule Joseph with  young mens and women of zeal to serve God. It is our duty to share christ like love to  young and old people as our motto says, “love neighbour, as yourself ” we always think about the less fortunate by trying our best as we can to see that they discover the love of God.

OUR VISION: To make as many followers of Jesus christ.

MISSION : Expending the kingdom of God here on earth and deploying many disciples.

 OUR MOTTO: [“christ like! ”]